Welcome to Sway Parish Council The civil parish of Sway is an area of approx 1320 hectares and 3600 residents, inside the New Forest National Park in Hampshire, UK. It comprises the village itself and a surrounding rural area. Sway Parish Council has twelve parish councillors, who were elected as holders of public office. When there is a vacancy, or during an election, you can become a parish councillor if you are: over 18 years old, a British citizen, a registered elector living in the civil parish of Sway, and have not been declared bankrupt or criminally sentenced in the last five years. The Parish Council is supported by a part-time Parish Clerk.
| ![]() PARISH COUNCIL OBJECTIVES The Council has agreed these objectives and priorities for its next four-year term. More details The Council has agreed these objectives and priorities for its next four-year term. More details HERE ![]() Our playground improvement project was completed and officially opened on 29 June ![]() ![]() |

Latest News
04/12/24 Latest update on the Church Lane development ..more
29/11/24 We welcome Cllr Astrid Clifford to the parish council ..more
21/10/24 Congratulations to Katie who has been confirmed as Hampshire's Clerk of the Year at the recent HALC awards ..more
11/10/24 Update on Church Lane development..more
30/09/24 Sway PC responds to the proposed Solent Pipeline consultation..more
14/09/24 Sway Parish Award winners for 2024..more
02/09/24 We welcome a new Apprentice Clerk to the team..more
28/08/24 We are delighted that our new EV charge points are live..more
22/08/24 .Join us in September for the launch of Neighbourhood Watch in Sway..more
05/08/24 The 2024 Parish Awards are now open...more
24/07/24 Our new allotment tiny plots are already looking amazing...more
15/07/24 We turn our attention to the future of the Youth Centre...more
29/06/24 Our playground is improved and open at last...more
07/06/24 All meeting dates until May 2025 are now published...more
03/06/24 Our draft external audit is now available to view and the Notice for the Exercise of Public Rights is published...more
15/05/24 We are launching an apprentice clerk role...more
07/05/24 Our youth engagement project shares some findings...more
10/04/24 we have launched our Allotments: Tiny Plot scheme...more
03/04/24 playground improvements confirmed with 84% funded...more
02/04/24 developers provide timeline for Church Lane development...more
26/02/24 the Parish Council welcomes two councillors to the table...more
06/02/24 Hampshire County Council launches an app for residents...more
15/01/24 Updates coming on the Church Lane Development...more
01/12/23 The Parish Council has two vacancies...more
17/11/23 Our latest revisions to the playground plans are here...more
30/10/23 We announce the sad death of Cllr Stephen Tarling...more
02/10/23 Sway Advent Windows are back for 2023 - enter now...more
03/09/23 We say goodbye to the Cango and hello to route 120...more
02/09/23 Latest newsletter is out now...more
25/08/23 External Audit completion without issue for 2022-23...more
14/08/23 Objectives and priorities for the Council are set out...more
31/07/23 Playground enhancement proposals online to view and comment now...more
06/06/23 Notice of public rights to view our annual accounts is published today...more
19/05/23 Cllr Howard Millett is elected Chair of the Parish Council at the Annual Meeting...more
16/05/23 Thanks to Southern Water for updating the public meeting about improvements to Flexford Lane sewerage treatment works...more
09/05/23 Public meeting re: Flexford Lane Waste Water Treatment Works development plan...more
25/04/23 The Parish Council will have three vacancies from 9th May...more
24/04/23 Over fifty people attended the Parish Assembly...more
20/04/23 The Council has published its Annual Report for 22-23...more
05/04/23 An uncontested election as nine candidates are confirmed...more
30/03/23 Spoof emails pretending to be from the Parish Council...more
20/03/23 Local elections are in May and nominations are open now...more
14/03/23 Our latest Allotments newsletter is out now...more
13/02/23 The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities increases Section 137 values for 2023-24...more
10/01/23 No increased taxes for Sway residents in 2023-24...more
21/12/22 Sway Warm Space starts strong and will open between Christmas and New Year...more
05/12/22 Consultation on Public Space Protection Orders opened by NFDC..more
15/11/22 Sway Warm Space will open at the Youth Centre from 21st November...more
13/11/22 Sway remembers: 200 gather at the War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday...more
07/11/22 No Planning Committee in November as no applications are pending for Sway..more
04/10/22 New survey invites younger residents to help shape Forest opportunities..more
14/09/22 External Audit Notice of Completion published..more
12/09/22 Book of Condolence at the Jubilee Field Pavilion..more
10/09/22 The Proclamation of King Charles III is announced..more
08/09/22 HM Queen Elizabeth II has died..more
25/08/22 HCC 20mph consultation is now open until 12th September..more
23/08/22 The Church Lane development is granted permission, subject to some conditions..more
12/08/22 The Parish Office will be closed next week, re-opening again from Monday 22nd August..more
10/08/22 Sway's request for more time to consider further information regarding the Church Lane development is denied..more
29/07/22 The Parish Office will be closed next week and re-open as usual on Monday 8th August..more
07/07/22 Sway's response to the revised Church Lane planning application has been submitted..more
29/06/22 A draft response to the revised Church Lane application is available for review now..more
23/06/22 An Extraordinary meeting of the Council is called to consider the Church Lane development..more
14/06/22 Residents' drop-in session scheduled to review Church Lane planning application amendments..more
09/06/22 Defibrillator and new cabinet installed at Jubilee Field thanks to a grant from SWAG..more
07/06/22 Hants County Council Passenger Transport consultation is open until 24th July..more
06/06/22 The 2022 Parish Awards were presented at the Big Jubilee Lunch on Sunday 5th June..more
01/06/22 Annual Governance and Accountability Return - Exercise of Public Rights now published..more
20/05/22 NFDC Waste Management Strategy information published by NFDC...more
09/05/22 Food waste survey by Hampshire County Council open now...more
06/04/22 Actions taken to remind residents of the penalties for dog fouling...more
29/03/22 The new noticeboard is installed...more
10/03/22 Planning and Trees Committee cancelled due to illness...more
14/02/22 Sway Cinema mini Eco Film Festival...more
09/02/22 PaTC Zoom advisory will start at 8pm on 10th Feb...more
28/01/22 Business as usual via Zoom for the Parish Council...more
17/12/21 Precept for 2022-23 set at £86,295...more