Development at the site of Hatch Motors
(This page last updated 13 August 2020)
If you have any routine questions please check the FAQ below, and if that doesn't help please email the Parish Clerk
If there is any genuine emergency please phone the Managing Director of the developers: James Bradley on 07990 520660. Please be advised that the Site Managers' contact details will be displayed on the site hoardings.
LATEST UPDATE @ 13/08/2020
The roof of the Coop is now having its battens fixed, with the tiling to follow. It is anticipated this will be completed in the next three weeks. The site cabins have been removed/relocated to enable the block paving to commence at the front of the building from early next week. The focus is to have the store ready to hand over to Co-op in early to mid October. This has been at a cost to the residential rear homes, which have been delayed slightly with delivery projected winter 2020/21. The flats will be ready earlier. The side hoardings will be replaced shortly with Harris fencing now that the parking area is being laid. The front hoardings will stay up presently. Our estate agents report no commercial interest on Westview.
LATEST UPDATE @ 15/07/2020
The hoardings were erected at the site and look really good. A presentation was made to the Junior Parish Councillors that won the competition, including a £500 donation from Landmark Estates. Each child also received a special hamper and a gift voucher.
LATEST UPDATE @ 11/06/2020
Progress has been significantly slowed in recent weeks due to material supply issues as a result of COVID-19. These issues have now largely been overcome and works are progressing on site. The supply issues have caused a delay to the construction programme, which we will be able to assess over the next 4 weeks as we progress through the issues, at which time revised completion dates can be provided. A date is awaited for the hoardings to be erected, we will advise.
LATEST UPDATE @ 26/03/20
There are currently only a few people working on site and they are following social distancing rules. Apologies that they are parking locally in Station Road: the original plan was that they could all park up on land further away and then travel to site in one vehicle with their tools and kit - but of course the current social distancing rules make that unsafe. Landmark are consulting with the Youth Club and The Manor at Sway as to whether they might temporarily use their land to park on.
The plans to add the winning entries from the Junior Parish Council poster designs onto the hoardings are postponed.
LATEST UPDATE @ 15/12/19
Tanks have been removed from the site and no more work likely to happen until the New Year.
A winner was announced in the competition for Sway Junior Parish Council (JPC) who submitted artwork for display on the hoardings. Three others were highly commended. The four winning entries will all appear on the hoardings following an unveiling in the New Year, along with the presentation of a donation to the JPC, and to charities chosen by the JPC.
LATEST UPDATE @ 24/11/19
Work to safely remove the existing underground petrol tanks will start in the next few days. Sway Junior Parish Council have submitted artwork in a competition to be displayed on the hoardings...
LATEST UPDATE @ 19/11/19
Soldi has been confirmed as the contractor. Their manager has offered to meet the Parish Council onsite with an H&S manager. The ground has been cleared and the hoardings are in place. Nothing much will now happen until new year, whilst the ground contamination survey and report are carried out.
News and progress on the development at the ex-Hatch Motors site will be a regular item on the agenda of the public meetings of Sway Parish Council Planning and Transport Committee which are held at 7pm on the second Thursday of every month at Jubilee Field Pavilion. All local residents are most welcome.
The usual hours of deliveries and work at the site during the construction phase are not specified in the planning permission. On weekdays these would normally be 08:00 to 17:00, and 08:30 to 13:00 on Saturdays, and no working on Sundays. Evening working is usually only allowed when that work is both inside a building and quiet.
Wooden hoardings will go up in November, and Sway Junior Parish Councillors are invited to make suggestions on what should be painted on them (there will necessarily have to be some official signage).
The developers are well aware of the congestion issues on Station Road during school arrival and departure times and it will be in the enlightened self-interest of contractors to avoid those times (mostly 08:35-09:10 and 15:10-15:45 Mon-Fri during term times), so that their work is not slowed down.
The developers have suggested that it might be helpful for a number of Station Road businesses and contractors, and the school and local residents to get together to discuss parking and congestion in Sway, and indeed this is on the Sway Parish Council list of items to consider. Unfortunately, Sway is by far the largest village in the New Forest that does not have an NFNPA public car park, so parking will inevitably be a continuing issue.
Contractors will be strongly encouraged to always park and take deliveries inside the curtilage whenever possible, and not park up on Station Road. Sub-contractors will be instructed to do the same but cannot always be controlled. If there are any major problems from Hatch site vehicles completely blocking Station Road please phone the emergency number above or as detailed on the site hoardings.
The immediate timing is that asbestos should already all have been removed; demolition started 19 Oct 2019 and should be finished by the end of October.
The investigation, risk assessment and contamination report is coming to the developers in late October 2019 and no further work can take place until those are all satisfactorily completed.
The noisiest work will probably be the demolition which should be over by the end of October 2019.
Asbestos removal has been completed according all the rules and regulations - the building must be closed and the gates locked and the work carried out under close supervision and the site must be signed-off as asbestos free before any further work is carried out.
Beyond demolition some dusty work will take place over the winter months and all the usual care taken.
The petrol tanks will have to be removed (rather than filled with foam - which was a method previously practiced in such circumstances) and any ground contamination remediated in accordance with the method statement in the independent report.
Please note that there is also work continuing at the adjacent site behind the Surgery, and that is nothing at all to do with the ex Hatch Motors site. That work is at the ex-Builders Yard site covered by planning permission 18/00608 and as modified by 19/00513 and 19/00640. That site is far smaller and there may be contractors' vehicles from that site parked up on Station Road without forethought.
The West View (ex-NFU) building is not considered part of this site, and is up for sale for around £350K - the estate agents are both Winkworths and Hayward Fox.
A Section 106 Agreement has been entered into - and is available on the NFNPA planning website (under the documents tab of application 18/00946) here as a pdf and the total contribution from the developers is some £132K. That sum then passes to the NFNPA to administer under the rules of the various mitigation projects.
All the dwellings proposed for the site will be available under the 'Help to Buy' scheme and the local estate agents Winkworth and Hayward Fox will be marketing them.
The Co-op have confirmed that they are still 100% behind this project and planning to open the store as detailed - but of course they are not involved in the construction work, so their main interest will come later.
In due course the Co-op will deal with all matters regarding the proposed store. An initial guess is that it might open in autumn 2020; and when we get closer to that date Sway Parish Council will ask the Co-op for further details and post them here. We guess that a typical store of this size will not include petrol, pharmacy, wet fish or fresh butchery counters. In the planning process the Co-op said they would include a Post Office Counter (but we note that since then the Central Stores are opening a Post Office Counter on 02 December 2019).
Parking on the site once complete will be controlled - at the rear of the site allocated to the housing, and at the front under the control of the Co-op.
There is still some concern about safe pedestrian access to the Co-op store (across car parking and car and delivery-vehicle manoeuvring areas). Those concerns were raised by the NFNPA Planning Committee, but surprisingly no requirement for pedestrian access is in the planning permission. It would be difficult to add any substantial pedestrian route without compromising car parking, but Sway Parish Council have been invited to discuss possibilities with the developer in late October 2019 to see if there are any designs which could help.
There are 18 conditions attached to the planning permission - all clearly detailed in the 'Decision Notice' on the NFNPA planning website (under the documents tab of application 18/00946) and here as a pdf. All of these conditions will be checked and monitored, and discharges agreed by the NFNPA and details are usually published on the website under the documents tab of the appropriate planning permission - in this case see 18/00946 link here. The properties cannot be sold and the shop not opened, unless and until all the pre-commencement and pre-occupation conditions have been discharged. A number of the conditions imposed are standard 'compliance conditions' governing the site going forwards (landscaping etc).
Should anyone have any doubts or questions about these conditions they should first check the website linked above, and if that does not help please ask the Parish Clerk to pass on their enquiry to the developers and project manager - and if no satisfactory reply is received then please ask NFNPA Enforcement to check.
Sway Parish Council would like to thank the developers for their helpful advice in compiling this FAQ.