29 November 2024
Sway PC is delighted to confirm the co-option of Cllr Astrid Clifford who joined the team at our meeting last evening.
We still have two vacancies for any resident who wishes to help us deliver service and benefit to our lovely village.

29 October 2024
From our archive library of Sway News going right back to its first publication in 1972. If you would like to view the collection for interest or research purposes, please contact the Parish Office.

21 October 2024
Katie is very proud to have been awarded the (HALC) Hampshire Association of Local Councils' Clerk of the Year! The presentation was made at the HALC AGM in Eastleigh on Saturday 19th October, where Sway PC was also delighted to receive a runner up award for the Best Local Council Newsletter
30 September 2024
Today we have submitted our response to the proposed Solent pipeline as follows:
Summary: Sway PC questions the basis of the proposal in its entirety as lacking in real environmental benefit, and not considering all the available options. The New Forest is an internationally recognised and protected landscape, and Sway PC is opposed to the mainland corridor which causes the most harm to this protected habitat, as well as a health and safety threat to a substantial population of residents and visitors.
Our reasoning is based on the following points:
- Sway PC finds the information provided insufficiently detailed to be acceptable as a Development Consent Order application. It is concerning that the company intends to produce their Environmental Impact Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment only after a route corridor has already been chosen. These assessments, we believe, would provide enough information to rule out the mainland corridor given it crosses a landscape of multiple designated sites with the highest national and international protections e.g. National Park, Ramsar, SSSI, SAC and SPA.
- Given the environmental disturbance of construction and the reach zone of a pipeline breach, this route poses a health and safety risk to a significant number of both residents and of the c.13.5 million/year visitors to the National Park.
- It is unclear why end-to-end underwater routes have been rejected without adequate explanation, and the equally apparent option of direct seaborne transport from Fawley’s own dock facility has been completely ignored. These options should be considered alongside the potential pipeline option.
- The proposed CCS technology provides a disincentive to de-carbonisation and will prolong the UK’s reliance on fossil fuels. The focus should instead be on how to reduce CO2 at source to achieve net zero.

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14 September 2024

02 September 2024
We are delighted to welcome Estela Hernandez Smith to the team. Estela is undertaking an 18month apprenticeship programme with Brockenhurst College, to obtain a Level 3 Business Administration qualification. This will support her education as a Clerk, providing a professional career path delivering service to the community. Read more about Estela on our Contacts Page

28 August 2024
We are delighted to have the first EV charge points in the National Park through our new partnership with BMW and New Forest National Park Authority. We have two charging bays at Jubilee Field for members of the public to use
24 July 2024
15 July 2024
We have established a Youth Centre Future Working Group:

29 June 2024
We were delighted to officially open the new playground at the Carnival Fete. It has been a huge amount of work - planning in consultation with the village, seeking funding (we are thrilled to have over 80% of the cost funded) and then the actual installation. The project started in earnest two years ago and it was lovely to hand it over to the residents on a sunny, warm Saturday as we gathered to enjoy the wonderful fete. Thank you to everyone who contributed and we hope you will all enjoy the resulting facility.
07 June 2024
The Council set its meeting dates for the year 2024-25 at its May meeting and these are all listed on the Meetings and Minutes webpage, as well as being displayed on our noticeboards. Agenda are published at least three clear days prior to each meeting, along with any supporting documentation.
03 June 2024
Following approval at the May meeting, our Annual Governance and Accountability document is now published (in draft) and includes the Notice for the Exercise of Public Rights - the dates for which are 4th June to 15th July this year. All details published at The Council > Council Documents > Audit
07 May 2024
At our meeting on 26 April, councillors and a large audience heard an inspiring and thought-provoking presentation from Spud, who delivered the feedback and findings from the Youth Engagement project we commissioned in autumn 2023. It was great to hear some of the exciting ideas and learn about the facilities and activities that young people in Sway are interested in.
As a start point for the Parish Council's considerations into the future of the Youth Centre, along with other stakeholders including the management company, Parochial Church Council and current users of the building, having real insight from the youth of Sway is valuable input. We certainly have lots of food for thought to spark ideas.
As ideas and options are researched and formulated, we'll be sharing details with Sway residents and encouraging them to input their own feedback and comments.
Cllr Neil McLocklin, leading the working group, is happy to meet and chat with residents interested in this project and how it will progress over the coming months. Contact him today to chat.
Various documents are available to read:
Agenda from October 2023 containing the project outline
PAD Studio Youth Project Report

10 April 2024
We are launching a new scheme for those that would like to have an allotment but cannot commit to the 6-8 hours needed every week for a regular plot.
Full details on our Allotments page
03 April 2024
We have BIG news to share regarding the Jubilee Fields playground enhancement project!

26 February 2024
We are delighted to welcome Peter Mann, and to welcome back Simon Barnes, both co-opted to the Parish Council. We rely on the commitment of residents to step forward and take office, to represent our residents and help to shape our community through the work of the Parish Council. Over the coming months each Councillor will host a surgery, as a chance for everyone to meet and chat informally with them. Please look out for the dates and do come along to say hello and talk about Sway matters. Read about all our Councillors
06 February 2024
Hampshire County Council has launched a new app for residents. Read more and download it today
15 January 2024
We are pleased that Steve Avery, Director of Strategy and Planning at the NFNPA, will attend our January meeting to update us on the development at Church Lane, now that the agreements have finally all been signed. Residents are welcome to come to the meeting and hear the discussion. Details will be published on the agenda in due course.
01 December 2023
Following the loss of Stephen Tarling, and the resignation of Susana Fernandez-Suarez, the Parish Council has two vacancies to fill. If you are interested in how you can contribute to the community then please contact any councillor or the Parish Clerk to find out more.

17 November 2023
Our next revisions to the proposed playground improvements are now available to review - and we want your feedback! Please get in touch with cllrbutler@sway-pc.gov.uk to let us know your thoughts.
Full details in this document.

30 October 2023
Stephen Tarling
Sway Parish Council is sad to announce that Stephen Tarling passed away on Sunday 29th October, after a short illness. Howard Millett, Chair of the Parish Council said "Our thoughts are with his family and friends. As a parish councillor for many years, and more recently as a member of the National Park Authority as well, Stephen's tireless energy and significant contribution to Sway and the New Forest will be sorely missed."

02 October 2023
The original brain child of Kirsten Watson, Sway Advent Windows has been running for three years and raised nearly £2500 for local organisations in need. It has become a huge task for one person and so, with Kirsten's blessing, our lovely volunteer Marie will lead this year's Advent Windows, supported by the Parish Council.
03 September 2023
02 September 2023
The Autumn newsletter has been published, directly to inboxes of our residents, in hard copy from most of the village retailers and access points, as well as posted to some subscribers. Also on our website page where all archive copies can also be viewed.
25 August 2023
Our External Audit for the financial year 2022-23 has been completed and we are pleased to report that there were no matters giving cause for concern and that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have all been met.
14 August 2023
Following the July meeting of the full council, members agreed a set of high level objectives and priorities for the next four-year term. These are set out in two slides, and sub groups for each aspect will begin work on identifying specific actions for each, in order to progress them. Residents' comments and feedback are welcomed.

31 July 2023
Proposed plans for a revamp of the playground at Jubilee Field are now available for view and comment:
06 June 2023
The notice of public rights has been published today, confirming access to the accounts and related documents between 7th June and 18th July, in line with legislation. See the Audit tab of the Council documents for all details.

19 May 2023
Cllr Howard Millett was elected as Chair of the Parish Council, at its Annual Meeting on Thursday 18 May.
Howard has been with the Council since the summer of 2021 and has been an active member since then, including as Tree Representative on the Planning & Trees Committee and as point of contact with the Friends of Sway Station.
16 May 2023
Thanks to all who attended a useful meeting with Southern Water; a copy of their presentation is now available HERE.
25 April 2023

24 April 2023
Residents attended the Parish Assembly on Thursday 20th April and enjoyed hearing all about the diverse range of clubs, groups and organisations who offer activities across the parish, for residents young and old. We christened the new hall chairs and after hearing from an amazing 25 different groups, everyone enjoyed a glass of wine (thank you Priory Wines) and some delicious food (thank you to Real Food). A great evening and lovely to be back in the room once more!
20 April 2023
The Parish Council has published an Annual Report for the year 2022-23:

5 April 2023
Today it was confirmed that Sway Parish Council will elect - unopposed - nine candidates who put themselves forward to stand as councillors at the election on 4th May.
Sway PC has worked hard to encourage residents to stand - if thirteen candidates had stood for the twelve seats, then Sway residents would have been able to to vote for their choice of representatives, but sadly not enough people came forwards.
Sway is grateful to those who have stepped up. Our existing councillors remain in post until Tuesday 9th May and then hand over to the new members and our Annual Meeting will take place on Thursday 18th May.
Residents will still need to come out and vote for their choice of District Councillor and remember that photographic ID is now a requirement at the polling station.
More details here: https://www.newforest.gov.uk/VoterID

30 March 2023
We have been notified of a spoofing email attack which sends emails pretending to be from one - or more - of our councillors; if you receive such an email and are in doubt as to its authenticity, please check with the councillor directly or through the Parish Clerk. Never click on a strange link or open a random attachment. If in doubt - delete!
20 March 2023

14 March 2023
The latest Sway Allotments newsletter is out now! See it on this web page or - if you are a plot holder - join our mailing list by emailing allotments@sway-pc.gov.uk
We'll soon be carrying out our spring inspections and are always very proud to see the standard of our plots; a huge thank you to our plot holders for their hard work and commitment to keeping the Sway Allotments in excellent condition.
13 February 2023
10 January 2023
At the December meeting the Council agreed the Precept amount for the financial year 2023-24. This week the Clerk submitted the formal request to New Forest District Council, requesting a total Precept of £85,665 a slight decrease on the 2022-23 amount, meaning a slightly lower tax rate for each Council Tax Band D equivalent property in Sway.
We publish all our financial information on this website and so you can see our approved budget and Precept request for the coming year and every financial year since 2017.
21 December 2022
We are delighted that over the first four weeks of opening, numbers at the Warm Space have built steadily: week 1 - 38, week 2 - 53, week 3 - 64 and week 4 - 96. Thanks again to the Co-op who are providing drinks and snacks, and to NFDC who have contributed a grant fund to help us cover the costs of running the Centre for everyone. The biggest thanks, of course, go to our wonderful volunteers, without whom we could not provide the facility or - and more importantly - the sense of community which everyone is enjoying. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
The Warm Space will be open from 10-2 each day on Wednesday 28th, Thursday 29th and Friday 30th Dec.
05 December 2022
NFDC has launched a public consultation on their proposal to make two Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs). The responses to this consultation will inform any final decision on whether the proposed Public Spaces Protection Orders are made. Read more details and submit your comments at the NFDC webpage containing all information regarding PSPOs.

15 November 2022
We are thrilled to be able to create a Warm Space in Sway. A community project to enable us all to come together, informally, for free. We welcome anyone who would like some company, a warm space to relax, free hot and cold drinks and snacks. Sit quietly, meet and chat, watch TV, read, use our wifi on your device, do a crossword, attempt a puzzle, play a game of cards... something for everyone and all ages welcomed (children will need a responsible adult with them).
Thanks to the Co-op for helping us provide free refreshments and to NFDC for awarding £1000 to us from their Funding for Warm Spaces Grant, to help us cover the running costs of the Youth Centre during the periods the Warm Space is open.
Enormous thanks to Colin Denman and all the volunteers who will give their time and energy to making this project happen. Sway has the most incredible community spirit - we are very lucky.
13 November 2022
Sway residents processed from St Luke's Church to join those congregated at the War Memorial for a moving remembrance service in the autumn sunshine. We will remember them.
07 November 2022
As there are no pending planning applications for Sway this month, there will be no Planning & Trees Committee meeting this month. Two pending tree works applications will be commented on via the Parish Clerk to the Trees Team at NFNPA.
04 October 2022
NFNPA Education and Youth Team are putting together a resource for young people to help access green opportunities across the New Forest, including clubs, volunteering, work experience, apprenticeships, etc. It's for 11-25 year-olds to complete and will help shape what this resource might look like and how it might function.
14 September 2022
EXTERNAL AUDIT COMPLETED - Please see the Notice of Conclusion of audit for 2021-22 accounts by PKF Littlejohn. More details on the Audit tab of our Documents Page.

12 September 2022
We have opened a Book of Condolence for those residents who would like to sign. Please attend the Jubilee Field Pavilion between 10am and 12 noon on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or any time during the afternoon of Saturday.
10 September 2022
8 September 2022
It has been announced that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II died today, peacefully and with her family around her, at the Balmoral Estate, Scotland earlier today.
25 August 2022
HCC is seeking the views of residents about 20 mph limits within Hampshire and is keen to hear from as many residents, businesses and other stakeholders as possible, to find out their views on the implementation of 20mph limits in the context of other highways priorities and the County Council's statutory duties to maintain the highway in a safe condition within a limited budget. The survey is available at: https://www.hants.gov.uk/transport/transportschemes/20mph-speed-limits-consultation and should take just 15 minutes to complete. It is open until midnight on 12th September.
23 August 2022
At the Local Planning Authority (NFNPA) meeting on 16th August, permission was granted to the amended application for the Church Lane development. See more details and links to the meeting recording and relevant documentation on our dedicated webpage.
12 August 2022
The Parish Office will be closed from Monday 15th to Friday 19th August.
10 August 2022
Despite a formal request to defer the consideration of the Church Lane Planning Application to its September meeting, NFNPA Planning Committee will cover this at its 16th August meeting. This is disappointing, given the 24+ additional documents added to the portal since the consultation period ended, meaning that no further public consultation period has been made available. See our Church Lane webpage for details.
29 July 2022
The Parish Office will be closed next week and re-open again from Monday 8th August.

7 July 2022
The Parish Council worked with the Church Lane Development Working Group to produce a response to the revised application. It incorporated feedback from the residents who attended the public consultation, expert opinion on specific matters and was submitted on 6th July to the Planning Authority.
See our dedicated page for details and a link to the documentation.
29 June 2022
A draft response to the amended application for development at Church Lane has tonight been published, prior to the meeting on Thursday evening 30th June, from 7pm, which will consider and approve a response from the Parish Council on behalf of Sway residents. See our dedicated page for full history and previous submissions.
You can review and download the draft and we ask that any amendments are brought to the meeting for consideration.
23 June 2022
The Chairman has called an extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council, when they will consider a draft response to the amended application for the Church Lane development. The draft will be published following the public consultation, scheduled for this coming Saturday, 25th June between 1pm and 3pm at the Jubilee Field Pavilion. All are welcome to both the consultation and the meeting. View the agenda with all details.
14 June 2022
A residents' drop-in session will be held from 1-3pm on Saturday 25th June at Jubilee Field Pavilion to provide everyone with a chance to review the amended planning application for the Church Lane development. Comments can be submitted directly to the NFNPA Portal until Tuesday 28th June. See our Development at Church Lane page for more information.
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/3174647016134459

7 June 2022
Hampshire County Council have opened a consultation on Passenger Transport. We urge everyone to respond to the consultation, to make sure that your transport needs are included in their considerations.
6 June 2022
Our 2022 Parish Award winners were announced and presented at the Sway Big Platinum Jubilee Lunch yesterday! Our winners were: Barry & Sue Rickman, Colin Denman, Kirsten Watson, Colin Whitell and Robin Nursery! Many congratulations to them all and sincere thanks from the entire village for all that they do 👏 👏 👏 See our Community page for the details.
1 June 2022
Exercise of Public Rights - Our Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2021-22 is now published and Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Sections 25, 26 and 27 The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234) stipulate that our electorate is given the right to inspect the AGAR, the accounting records for the financial year to which it relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records.
20 May 2022
In April 2022, NFDC published a VIDEO explaining why they are reviewing their Waste Management Strategy and some of the proposed changes on the table. Today they have provided a document detailing their plans to improve recycling and reduce waste for residents.
NFDC plan to release the full Waste Strategy on 8th June 2022 ahead of their Environment and Sustainability Overview and Scrutiny Panel meeting on the 16th June 2022. In the meantime they will be keeping their web page updated with information. You can contact NFDC with any further questions at wastestrategy@nfdc.gov.uk
09 May 2022
Hampshire County Council’s Waste Prevention team are currently running a survey on the food and composting habits of Hampshire residents and wondered if you might be able to help us by sharing it with your networks? The survey should take around 20 minutes to complete and is open until May 31st. As a thank you for taking part in the survey, there’s the opportunity to win £100 of Leisure Vouchers. ACCESS THE SURVEY NOW

06 April 2022
Following concerns raised by residents about the noticeable increase in dog mess being left on Manchester Road, the ParishCouncil - in collaboration with NFDC - have increased and renewed signage in the area to remind the public to clear up or risk a fine. Patrols will also be increased in the area when possible.
All NFDC bins can take bagged dog waste - there is no excuse and you could be fined if caught.
29 March 2022
Following the village consultation back in 2020, the most popular communication methodfrom the Council to the parish was voted as the noticeboard. Our existing noticeboard had served us well for many years but was rotting away and rather too small. After long delays due to the difficulties presented by the pandemic, we have finally received and installed the new noticeboard which is standing proudly on Station Road. One side is purely for the Parish Council and the entire reverse is for the community. If you would like to place a notice in the Community noticeboard, simply email or drop it in to the Clerk.
10 March 2022
Due to one member contracting Covid and another's unavoidable absence, the Planning and Trees Committee will not be quorate (a minimum of three members attending is required by law) and so the meeting has been postponed. A new date and agenda will be issued ASAP.

09 February 2022
Please note that our Planning & Trees Committee will meet informally on Zoom at the later start time of 8pm on Thursday 10th February. Connection details at the top of the agenda.
28 January 2022
The Parish Council continues to meet informally via Zoom and to operate under its Scheme of Delegation. See the recording of our meeting yesterday on our Facebook page.
17 December 2021
The Parish Council set the Precept for Sway, for the financial year 2022-23, at its meeting on Thursday 16th December. Following the presentation of an almost balanced budget, Council approved the increase of just £1150 across the year, and this resulted in a total Precept amount of £86,295.
With an increase to the tax base, this is an increase of just 4p per Band D equivalent property, for the year.
14 December 2021
The Parish Council has worked - through the Church Lane Working Group - on a further detailed submission to the NFNPA in response to the planning application for the Church Lane Development (21/00743). Read the submission sent on 14 December 2021 and see the history of the Parish Council's work in this regard, by checking out our dedicated Church Lane Development web page.

10 December 2021
With new Plan B restrictions in place, the Parish Council will make the following changes:
- face masks required (other than when seated)
- the Parish Office to be closed to visitors other than by prior arrangement with the Clerk
- consider the adoption of a Scheme of Delegation for January 2022 to enable regular business to continue even if it is not deemed safe to meet
01 December 2021
Update on the Holmsley Bridge road closure

23 November 2021
We have been notified of the intention to close the Post Office from 5pm on 31st December. The future of the Post Office in Sway depends on everyone supporting and using it. Send your comments to the Post Office as soon as possible and help us try to save this valuable service.

04 November 2021
Sway Community is coming together to make ourselves greener. We need YOU to help decide what collective action our village should take.
To find out more and cast your votes, come along on Monday 15 November at 7pm at Sway Village Hall. Refreshments available 🫖 ☕️
An event from Eco Sway in collaboration with Sway Parish Council.
01 November 2021
Following his co-option to the Parish Council on Thursday 28th October, we are delighted to welcome Michael Butler to TeamSway, joining the existing 11 members to work on behalf of the residents of Sway.

13 October 2021
Katie Walding PSLCC, Parish Clerk at Sway has received an award from her professional body, Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC). SLCC represents clerks to over 5,000 town, parish and community councils in England and Wales and has awarded Katie an Outstanding Contribution award in recognition of her exceptional contribution to the progress of SLCC and to the Clerks’ Profession. Katie accepted her award at SLCC’s annual National Conference this week.
07 October 2021
The planning application for the development at Church Lane is now open for public consultation. Come to Sway Village Hall on Monday 25th October, from 6:30pm, meet the developer, see the detail and find out how to make your comments count.
More information on our dedicated Church Lane page
05 October 2021
The Planning Committee will meet virtually, on Zoom, for its October meeting. Please see the agenda for full details of how to join via Zoom, from 7:15pm on Monday 11th October.

23 September 2021
Donna Jones, Hampshire & Isle of Wight's Police and Crime Commissioner discusses anti-social behaviour, policing, crime prevention and the judicial system with members of the Parish Council at it its public meeting. Watch the recording of the meeting on our Facebook page, or read the minutes.
10 September 2021
The winners of our photographic competition have been chosen and notified! Congratulations to Melanie Seacombe (1st), Clive Pitts (2nd) and Karen Lodwidge (3rd) for their stunning contributions. We raised £86 for the Oakhaven Hospice!
27 August 2021
At our meeting on Thursday 26th, Cllr Lisa Thomas was elected as the Chairman of the Parish Council, following the resignation of Dawn Bampton who will be sorely missed. Cllr Thomas thanked Dawn for all her hard work and wished her well from the Council.

20 August 2021
Come along to Stanford Rise Green next Wednesday 25th August between 10am and 12 noon.
Enjoy a free wild play event (donation welcomed!) hosted by Sway Parish Council in collaboration with the New Forest National Park Association.
Some organised activities including forest art, mud kitchen and a scavenger hunt will be available for everyone to enjoy on the green.

13 August 2021
Following a resignation, the Council has a casual vacancy. If, by 2 September (14 days after the date of this notice excluding weekends and bank holidays) a request for an election to fill the vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer at NFDC by TEN OR MORE electors to the Parish, an election will be held to fill the vacancy.
If no request for an election is received, the vacancy will be filled by co-option.
Contact the Parish Clerk for more information.
9 August 2021
Hampshire County Council with Knights Brown are preparing for the works on the Holmsley rail bridge to start in earnest in September. They have published a newsletter with all the initial information. Read the newsletter here.
30 July 2021
Cllr Howard Millett was co-opted to the Parish Council by a unanimous vote from members at our meeting on Thursday 29th July. Having already been working with the Planning Committee as our Tree representative, the rest of the Council is looking forward to working with Howard - welcome!

22 July 2021
Church Lane Consultation - have your say
Chapman Lily Planning - on behalf of Hurst and Hurst Estates Ltd - are preparing a planning application for the proposed redevelopment of land at Church Lane to provide new homes and informal open space. They are keen to seek the views of local residents to help inform the design and layout of the proposed development. They have setup a website which provides details of the proposed development and invites your feedback and comments. Respond to the Consultation today!

19 July 2021

1 July 2021
The Parish Council is delighted to host both the Carnival Fete and Dog Show (Saturday 3rd July) and End Show (10th July) at Jubilee Field.
There will be some changes, as you would expect, to ensure everyone can attend safely. However, we are aware that some people may feel concerned about attending, or anxious at the thought of surrounding themselves with people after being locked down and distanced for so long.
We urge all residents who decide to attend to be respectful of others, ensuring they apply suitable distancing and other actions that may still be required such as hand sanitisation, or wearing a mask.
Huge thanks to the Carnival Committee for their tireless work to bring the village its most important week in the annual calendar!

28 June 2021
Have you seen the newly refurbished phone box?
It has been lovingly treated to repairs, sanding and painting, and some new windows and signage as well. Many thanks to Simon and Paul for their hard work.
The books have been sorted and replenished and the children's book swap is back in business again. For now, however, no further contributions are needed so you can take rather than swap - we have a stock of donated books stored so that we can regularly replenish.
Please encourage your children and their friends to take a book they would like to read 😀
15 June 2021
Local NHS Services and partners are working together to redevelop part of the Ashurst Hospital site in the new Forest to create a Health and Wellbeing Centre for Children, Young People and Families. We are unable to carry out any face to face engagement with local families due to Covid so are having to find other ways to reach out to them.
We are inviting children and young people (and their families of course) to help us design some of the external landscaped space around the planned new centre. The closing date for sending ideas is Friday 9 July. This NHS Flyer contains all the details.
Ashurst Hospital currently accommodates the New Forest Birth Centre and is a local hub for CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) so local families and young people may already know the site and therefore be interested in helping us plan for its future.
28 May 2021
As we start to emerge from the pandemic and start to return to 'normal' the Parish Council is delighted to see activities starting up again at Jubilee Field. Most recently, two new yoga classes have started at the Jubilee Field Pavilion:
- Monday evening at 6:15pm
- Wednesday morning at 9:15am
We are looking forward to welcoming back our friends at the NHS who will hopefully restart the pulmonary rehabilitation clinics in the summer.
1 May 2021
2021 Parish Award Winners were presented with awards and hampers by the Chairman, Cllr Dawn Bampton:
29 April 2021
At our virtual Parish Assembly, along with the Annual Report presented by the Chairman and Clerk, a video compilation from Sway groups and associations was played. Watch the video any time.
20 April 2021
A casual vacancy has been confirmed and anyone interested in becoming a parish councillor is invited to contact the Parish Clerk or any of our Councillors to find out more.
Expressions of interest should be submitted to the Parish Clerk

26 March 2021
Following a resignation, the Council has a casual vacancy. If, by 19 April (14 days after the date of this notice excluding weekends and bank holidays) a request for an election to fill the vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer at NFDC by TEN OR MORE electors to the Parish, an election will be held to fill the vacancy. If no request for an election is received, the vacancy will be filled by co-option.
18 March 2021
The Parish Council has been compiling a welcome pack for new residents; during the pandemic we are unable to pack and distribute hard copies, but have instead compiled a Welcome web page full of useful information for those new to Sway. Some of our longer term residents may also find it helpful! Email the Clerk if you have any suggestions for additions.

15 March 2021
The Parish Council has launched the Awards for 2021 and will announce the winners at the virtual Parish Assembly to be live streamed on Thursday 29th April. Please review the rules and complete a nomination form and send it to the Parish Clerk before 14th April.
8 March 2021
The Parish Council is pleased to have awarded a total of £1450 in grants to various Sway based organisations. After such a difficult year, funds to help clubs and groups are well invested for all residents to benefit from. For details of those awarded, please see the minutes from the Council's February meeting.

3 March 2021
The bird nesting season runs from 1st March to late July. We all have a duty to support the initiatives from Forestry England, the New Forest National Park Authority and other local organisations to recognise the importance of this habitat to our many rare ground nesting birds, such as the lapwing, nightjar and curlew. The New Forest is one of the last places in the UK where these birds can still be found and helping them to breed successfully is now critical to their survival. Please observe the orange warning signs and red 'stop' signs which will be located in the vicinity of identified nesting sites. Some car parks may also be closed. With such a vast landscape you can definitely find somewhere to walk without negatively impacting nature, and further help by sticking to the main tracks and keeping dogs on a lead

12 February 2021
We are delighted to achieve this award from NALC in recognition of operating lawfully and within standard practice, demonstrating our commitment to continuous improvement and development. Our next challenge will be to be accredited as a Quality Council.
3 February 2021
Following the village consultation in the Autumn of 2020, the Parish Council has now collated, analysed and published the results from 753 residents who took the time to respond. We are very grateful for all those who took the time to respond. Review the results and analysis PDF, and download if you wish

1 February 2021
At its January meeting, the Parish Council confirmed that it would like to receive applications from Sway groups, organisations and charities (eligibility terms apply) for grant funding. Applications received before 19th February will be considered at the 25th February meeting. See the Grant Policy and Application Form

29 January 2021
Our new parish newsletter has launched. All residents will receive a paper copy of the first edition, and we ask you to sign up to receive it via email going forwards. For those without email, sign up for a paper copy is also available. We look forward to your feedback.
8 January 2021
The Parish Council approved a Precept request of £85,145 for the financial year 2021-22. This represents a 57p increase per month, per Band D equivalent property paying council tax in Sway. For more details you can review the approved budget for 2021-22.

18 December 2020
The Council has adopted a new logo and we hope you like it.
7 December 2020
Following correspondence with residents on Church Lane, reporting their concerns about traffic speed and safety, the Parish Council wrote to Hampshire Highways to ask them to consider the issues and the idea of passing places to help ease the congestion. Please see the full response from Hampshire Highways.

1 December 2020
Sway Advent Windows - the trail has begun!
Maps are £2 each and are on sale in Budgens, Central, Sway Butchers and Winkworth.Another excellent village venture, created and managed by volunteer residents, led by Kirsten Watson. Our community is amazing! Thank you
18 November 2020

8 November 2020
5 November 2020
4 November 2020
21 October 2020
12 October 2020
If you have thought about standing as a parish councillor, then now is your time! We have a vacancy which we hope to fill by co-option - you have one more week to submit your expression of interest to the Parish Clerk (clerk@sway-pc.gov.uk) before the closing date of Monday 19th October.
7 September 2020
7 September 2020
The Autumn 2020 Allotments Newsletter has been published.
17 August 2020
The public has the right to inspect the Parish Council's accounts for the year 2019-20. The full notice of the right to inspect and details of how to do so can be viewed in the Notice of Public Rights (click to view)
6 August 2020
Following a review of the latest guidance, and an update to the risk assessment, the playground at Jubilee Field is now open. Sadly, due to vandalism (when the playground was closed) the climbing frame failed its safety inspection and remains unsafe to use. Please advise your children to stay off the climbing frame until repairs are made.
26 June 2020
The Parish Council meeting was streamed live to our Facebook page on Thursday 25th June and we were delighted to see a number of residents used the opportunity to view the meeting. All virtual meetings will now be streamed to our Facebook page and recordings held there in line with our Audio/Video recording policy.
18 May 2020
Click Allotments Newsletter read the latest edition
25 March 2020
Our new information portal is live at www.swaycovid-19.info so please bookmark and visit regularly for updates.

24 March 2020
16 March 2020
Sway Parish Council is taking a number of steps to reduce risk in light of the increasing concerns around Covid-19. In particular, the Parish Clerk has called an extra ordinary (full Council) meeting for this coming Friday, 20th March, 7pm at the Jubilee Field Pavilion, in order to address emergency measures over the coming weeks. We are legally required to hold such a public meeting to transact business, but urge members of the public to follow the guidance given to decide whether they should attend or not. The meeting will be recorded and minutes published as usual for those who cannot attend to stay abreast of Council business.

10 March 2020
Who are our unsung heroes? We are very lucky to have such a vibrant community with lots going on. Never underestimate the time and effort that some of the residents contribute, to make all those things happen. We want YOU to tell us who the unsung heroes are! This will be the third year of the Sway Parish Council Awards, and nominations are open now and until the 19th March. You can nominate Sway individuals, and also groups and organisations, to receive recognition for their amazing contributions. Nomination forms are available on our website or collect a paper copy from the Clerk and help us identify this year's winners!
9 March 2020
The Parish Council is monitoring Government and Public Health England guidance on Coronavirus and its implications for public gatherings and community buildings. At present, it is business as usual; additionally, cleaning regimes have been stepped up to include more frequent treatment of door handles and other surfaces. NHS guidance for all individuals is available at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/ and we advise all individuals to be responsible and take suitable precautions.

4 March 2020
Following a resignation, the Council has a casual vacancy. If, by 23 March(14 days after the date of this notice excluding weekends and bank holidays) a request for an election to fill the vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer at NFDC by TEN OR MORE electors to the Parish, an election will be held to fill the vacancy. If no request for an election is received, the vacancy will be filled by co-option.
28 February 2020
This year's Sway Spring Clean will take place on Sunday 29th March, from 10am - 1pm and everyone is welcome to take part. Equipment will be provided and we will arrange for all collected rubbish to be removed by NFDC afterwards. Light refreshments for all those that lend a hand!
30 January 2020
Please see Church Lane Development for information regarding the proposed housing development at Church Lane. Also to remind residents that the public meeting on the same subject will take place at 7pm, Jubilee Field Pavilion today - Thursday 30th January 2020.
24 January 2020
A casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for Sway Parish Council. Click to see notice.
10 January 2020
A public meeting will be held on Thursday 30th January, at the Jubilee Field Pavilion, to discuss the proposed development at Church Lane. The Council is eager to hear all views from residents across the Parish, as they consider the key aspects which will become the focus of those hoping to engage closely with the developer in order to help shape the proposals for the site. See Facebook for more information

The NFNPA who worked in partnership with Sway PC on the creation of wild play facilities at Stanford Rise Green, would love to hear from residents in this short questionnaire:
wild play questionnaire