​Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer

Katie Walding

​Katie Walding

01590 718116 


Parish Office, Jubilee Field Pavilion, Station Rd, Sway SO41 6BE

Katie Walding has been the Clerk to Sway Parish Council since October 2017. She holds the Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) and is a Principal of the Society of Local Council Clerks. Outside of work, Katie is a keen runner and a practising commoner with a small herd of New Forest ponies.  

The Clerk is the Proper Officer of the Council and has a statutory duty to carry out all the functions, and in particular to serve or issue all the notifications required by law of a local Authority's Proper Officer; she is also the Responsible Financial Officer and responsible for all financial records of the Council and the careful administration of its finances.

The Clerk is responsible for ensuring that the decisions of the Council are carried out. She advises the Council on its legal duties and limitations and produces the information required for making effective decisions and implementing those decisions. She is accountable to the Council for the effective management of its resources and reports to them as and when required.

​Parish Councillors

Howard Millett (Chair)

07846 557588


Register of Interests

I joined the council initially as the village tree representative, keeping an eye on requests to prune and remove trees with TPOs (Tree Preservation Orders). Watching from the sidelines on the Planning and Trees Committee, I was asked to join as a councillor. This year I was elected as Chair of the Council and, as they say, every day is a school day! I would like to see more engagement within the village between us councillors and the residents and would love to see more people at our meetings, helping us with ideas and telling us your concerns. We all live in the village and want the best for everyone here. I look forward to meeting more of you over the coming months.

Simon Barnes 

07812 338527


Register of Interests

Having previously served as a parish councillor in Sway, I am pleased to come back and use my experience to good effect. As a parent it is good to represent my children's village positively. As a school governor this creates a connection between the council and St Luke's Primary.

Nicky Bowler (Deputy Chair)

07968 864508


Register of Interests

I moved to Sway in 2017 and joined Sway Parish Council the following year. All my life I have been a volunteer, it was encouraged when young and living in Kolkata, India; when I moved here I wanted to continue this trend and looked at how to be part of this community. Joining the Council seemed a unique way of immersing myself in all things Sway. I am jubilant to work with like-minded residents who want to live in a thriving community that supports its residents. On a personal level I work as another kind of counsellor, a cognitive behavioural therapist. My background therefore is one of working to support others and I hope to continue working with this value for the benefit of the parish. I love walking the dogs in the forest, playing tennis, attending the cinema, participating in quizzes, reading books and enjoying my garden.

Mike Butler

07491 142839


Register of Interests

I’m Mike Butler, and I moved to Sway in 2020 after hearing it is a friendly and welcoming village that is really well located right on the forest edge for walks and cycles, and close to the sea – the best of both worlds. Since moving here it has certainly met and even exceeded my hopes and expectations! For many years I have wanted to get involved in my local community but have been time restricted through a combination of children growing up, full time work, commuting, and general life. Now that I am semi-retired I have more time to support local community initiatives. I have joined the local tennis club (you may see me cycling down Brighton Road with tennis racket in tow) and the Lymington Town Sailing Club. Once established as a Sway resident next on my list was the Parish Council.I have joined the local tennis club (you may see me cycling down Brighton Road with tennis racket in tow) and the Lymington Town Sailing Club. Once established as a Sway resident next on my list was the Parish Council.

Peter Dance

01590 719338


Register of Interests

I was born in my maternal grandmother's home, Church Cottage, Tiptoe and dwelt in Wootton Road, Tiptoe for some twenty years prior to moving to my current residence in Highfield Gardens. I was educated at Tiptoe County Primary School, Brockenhurst Grammar School and Portsmouth Polytechnic. I worked for Ford Motor Co in Southampton for 36 years until the factory closed, acting as the engineering change coordinator and salaried staff trade union representative. Now, although retired, I deliver literature and flyers on an ad hoc basis in local areas. I was coopted onto the Parish Council following the resignation of George Farwell and have served continuously since. I am a schools admission appeals panellist for HCC, a committee man at Lymington RBL, a tournament director at Everton Bridge cCub and Games Secretary of Wessex Branch Club & Institute Union.

Peter Mann

07980 660200


Register of Interests

I’d like to contribute, in however small a way, to the benefit of the local Sway community. My wife Harriet and I moved to the area 3 years ago and have now settled in well. Having developed good relations with our immediate neighbours, and now having stopped working recently, I’m interested to become more involved with the village and community. Family and work commitments have prevented me from doing voluntary work in the past but now I do have the time. I have limited knowledge of public service but believe my years in the commercial world and management will have given me some experience and skills that could be useful as a member of the parish council. I look forward to engaging, listening and helping the community where I can. A little bit about me: born and raised in South West London, Qualified Toolmaker, switched career to sales most recently in the Customer Experience Management industry. Harriet and I share 4 children – 2 each – all grown up, 4 grandchildren between us. I have an interest in most sports, favourite is rugby. I’m currently learning joinery with old hand tools. 

Emma Monk (Deputy Chair)

07967 114063


Register of Interests

I joined the Council in November 2020, in the midst of the worst days of Covid. I didn't get to meet my fellow councillors in real life until the summer of 2021! I've lived in Sway since 2007, when I moved here, pregnant and with a toddler in tow. Sixteen years on, my children are growing up and moving on. As one of life's natural volunteers, I did 5 years on the Little Flyers' committee, 7 years on the PTA at St Luke's and just ended 10 years on the Junior Football Club committee. And now I'm 3 years into being a Parish councillor! My council interests are planning (I'm chair of the Planning and Trees Committee), and looking at the "people" objectives of the Council. I was heavily involved in setting up the Community Hub (formally the Warm Space), of which I'm hugely proud, and continue to volunteer there regularly. I'm also really looking forward to helping out at the new Youth Club.

Neil McLocklin

07715 475135


Register of Interests

I joined the Parish Council as I am keen to support and add value to the community. Since I moved to the village I have been a Sway football manager and coach (6 years) and a member of both Sway Junior Football Club Committee (5 years) and Jubilee Field User Group (4 years – 2 years as chair). In this capacity, amongst other things, I managed to secure a grant in excess of £20k for maintenance of Jubilee Field pitches. My football team players are now all over 16 and so no longer able to play for the Junior Club, and so I have spare time to commit back to the community. I have a background in real estate and management consultancy which I believe may also be good competences to bring to the Parish Council. 

Alex Pepper

07752 388227


Register of Interests

I'm Alex Pepper.  We moved to the village from Hordle in 2014 where I was also on the Parish Council and involved with various projects including several to enhance the public open space areas, such as Dudley Avenue. I've been involved with various committees and working groups during the past six years. My motivation to join the Council is to try and help ensure our village has what it needs and access to the right facilities and amenities, some of which might be provided by others. I am particularly interested in supporting our village shops and businesses, the railway station, public open spaces and green spaces.

Helen Schneider

07952 881426

Register of Interests


I grew up near Ringwood and so consider myself one of the 'children of the New Forest'. As such, I feel immensely privileged to have spent my childhood and teenage years here, and even more so to have had the privilege of returning after so many years away. Of course there have been many changes over that time with increased tourism, in-migration and population growth. Whilst positive in many ways these trends also increase the pressure on the local areas and its facilities. Affordable housing and sustainable transport are of particular interest to me, alongside my passion for wildlife conservation which I maintain through voluntary work in the Forest, principally monitoring bird populations. I am a trustee of The Hampshire Ornithological Society, promoting the engagement of young people in bird watching which to date has been dominated by middle aged, middle class men! I am keen to promote equality, diversity and inclusion [EDI] through trying to ensure equal access to opportunities and services across the community.

​Representations of Councillors

Planning & Trees Committee: Cllrs Emma Monk, Peter Dance, Peter Mann, Howard Millett, Helen Schneider (Reserve: Nicky Bowler)

HR Committee: Cllrs Nicky Bowler (Chair), Peter Dance, Howard Millett

EcoSway: Cllrs Nicky Bowler, Alex Pepper, Helen Schneider

PC Newsletter: Cllr Peter Mann

Tree Representative: Cllr Howard Millett

Rights of Way: Cllr Mike Butler

Allotment Association: Cllr Nicky Bowler

Jubilee Field User Group: Cllr Nicky Bowler, Cllr Alex Pepper

Sway Village Hall Committee: Cllr Nicky Bowler

Sway Youth Centre: Cllr Emma Monk, Cllr Neil McLocklin

Sway Welfare Aid Group: Cllr Alex Pepper

(NFALC) New Forest Association of Local Councils: Cllr Peter Dance

(HALC) Hampshire Association of Local Councils: Cllr Peter Dance

NFNPA SW Quadrant: Cllr Helen Schneider

New Forest Consultative Panel: Cllr Helen Schneider

Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP): Cllr Helen Schneider and Claire Muir

Community Rail Partnership: Cllr Howard Millett

Patient Participation Group: Cllr Peter Dance

​Who to contact to get things done

Forest Animals www.verderers.org.uk

  • In the event of a road traffic accident involving an animal: phone 999 (non-emergency 101) 
  • Sick, injured or distressed pony, cow, donkey, pig or sheep (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm): (other than one involved in a RTA), phone the Verderers on 02380 282052 www.verderers.org.uk 
  • Sick, injured or distressed pony, cow, donkey, pig or sheep (24hrs): phone the Forestry Commission on 0300 067 4600 or www.forestry.gov.uk/newforest

New Forest National Park Authority www.newforestnpa.gov.uk

If you want to see any planning applications in person you can visit the NFNPA offices at Lymington Town Hall; or for recent Sway applications please arrange to view with the Clerk.

Hampshire County Council www.hants.gov.uk/

  New Forest District Council www.newforest.gov.uk or phone 023 8028 5000

 Trains http://tinyurl.com/cwoznyn 

  • Phone 0845 6000 650 (option 4); or 01590 682338 Mon-Fri 06:35-10:00 for Sway Station ticket office

 POLICE Sway is in the 'New Forest West' area.

  • Phone 999 in an emergency
  • Phone 101 for non urgent enquiries and reports
  • To report a crime online, please click: https://www.hampshire.police.uk, click 'Report' and select the type of crime to report.
    (You can also use 'Tell us about' for a selection of other alternatives)

The nearest police station is Lymington Police Office, New Forest District Council Offices, Avenue Road, Lymington SO41 9ZG

Police Station opening times: Monday - Friday, 8am - 4pm (closed 12pm to 1pm)

Closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day