Parish Council Precept
Sway Parish Council's Precept (the amount of your Council Tax it collects) for the year April 2023 - March 2024 is £85,665. For every Band D equivalent property in Sway (calculated by NFDC at 1730.8) this equates to £49.49 for the year. View our Budget for 2023-24.
The full Council is responsible for the scrutiny and decision-making around finances, and the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) is responsible for the management of the Council's accounts. The Clerk at Sway is also the RFO and provides monthly payment schedules and bank reconciliations, along with quarterly budget reports and financial reviews. The Council will appoint a working group to prepare a draft budget but only the full Council can set (legally approve) the budget and Precept which forms the tax demand for Sway residents. To review the Council's Financial Regulations and other key financial documents including AGARs, please see the Financials tab of Council Documents page.
The Council has approved a budget for the financial year 2024-25 which will require an increase to the Precept (tax demand). This represents £4.67 over the year, for a Band D equivalent property in Sway, giving a total cost for a year of £54.16. Costs have continued to rise, with some aspects of our expenditure increasing by as much as 30%, but the Council has worked hard to keep the overall increase as low as possible, at 9.5%.